I love America. (I love a lot of other countries too, and am so blessed to have spent a lot of my life in Uganda and Canada.) I feel honored to have been born an American. I love the way God has blessed America for her values, generosity and sacrifice. I love American history. I love how evident our founding fathers' faith is in all their writings and decisions. I know they were not all Christians, but I strongly believe that a Christian worldview was at the core of even the Deists' beliefs. Read your history - the original documents without the Christian parts removed - and you'll agree.
I love that we recently celebrated Martin Luther King Jr. Day, and the fact that we have come a long way towards racial equality. I love that we care about that, and that brave men and women did something about it.
But there are so many things I don't love about what our country has become. In fact, there are many things I hate. Things that grieve and infuriate me. As one example, American tax money is again being used to fund and promote abortions worldwide! And it hit me - that means that as a tax-paying American citizen, I am a participant in the spread of abortion. Not a willing participant, but a participant nonetheless. God have mercy! I have always been pro-life, and have only ever voted for pro-life leaders and measures. That isn't enough anymore.
There are hundreds of thousands of Americans who value life, but our leaders have the most pro-abortion agenda we've ever seen in America. Why is that? Why if we care so much about life are we losing the fight?
I think we've lost our voice. Not because we don't have one, but because we don't use it. We - conservatives and/or Christians - have been intimidated into silence, or lulled to sleep.
I am sick of being silent. I am done being silent. What is it Jesus said about a light? You don't hide it! We have the light of life! We have a voice with the King of Kings! We must be unsilenced and unhidden! People, let's rise up and make a difference! I refuse to watch from the sidelines. I don't know what my future holds, but this will be a part of it. In what capacity, I'm not sure yet. But God will show me as I seek Him and start walking.
God loves life. He is the Author of life. How can we turn a blind eye when our culture is saturated in death? It's time to revive America!
You are my hero Jamie!
ReplyDeleteGod bless you and strengthen you to do this work He has called you to, as you not only speak the truth God has put on your heart, but motivate others to do something about it as well!
Francis Schaeffer spoke of this in the early 1980's in his book "A Christian Manifesto" (in response to the humanism that has permeated our society). Here is a quote from a lecture he gave on that topic:
"I have a question to ask you, and that is: Where have the Bible-believing Christians been in the last 40 years? All of this that I am talking about has only come in the last 80 years (I'm 70... I just had my birthday, so just 10 years older than I am). None of this was true in the United States. None of it! And the climax has all come within the last 40 years, which falls within the intelligent scope of many of you sitting in this room. Where have the Bible-believing Christians been? We shouldn't be surprised the liberal theologians have been no help -- but where have we been as we have changed to this other consensus and all the horrors and stupidity of the present moment has come down on out culture? We must recognize that this country is close to being lost. Not, first of all , because of the Humanist conspiracy -- I believe that there are those who conspire, but that is not the reason this country is almost lost. This country is almost lost because the Bible-believing Christians, in the last 40 years, who have said that they know that the final reality is this infinite-personal God who is the Creator and all the rest, have done nothing about it as the consensus has changed. There has been a vast silence!
I agree whole-heartedly with Dubya! Thanks for the quote from Francis Schaeffer, Wayne. - V.