I've done a lot of thinking, evaluating and re-evaluating recently. I have been disappointed and disgusted with some things I have seen in my own life - fear, apathy, resignation to mediocrity, and an unwillingness to step out in faith until I have all the information I need to feel safe.
I was recently introduced to a term that grieved me: "fetus fatigue." This term describes pro-lifers who are tired of fighting. They have chosen to believe that abortion is the norm now... that this is how things are... and so they've given up. It was a good wake up call for me. What have I become fatigued over, and what convictions have I allowed myself to give up on? Not necessarily that they are no longer convictions, but that I don't care deeply enough to do anything sacrificial to change them.
Last weekend I watched "Amazing Grace" for the hundredth time (ok, maybe not that many, but it is one of my all-time favorites). In once scene, Wilberforce reacts strongly to the Duke of Clarence's offer of his slave for payment since he had no more money to gamble. Afterwards, William Pitt comments to Wilberforce that his reaction made it look like he'd never seen slavery before. Wilberforce's answer? "For me it's like arsenic. Each new dose doubles the effect." That conviction changed the world.
That is exactly the kind of deep, heart-consuming conviction I want - I need. I don't want fetus (or any other injustice) fatigue. I want the arsenic effect. I want my heart to be moved, but even more, I want my will to be compelled to action.
I'm starting to pray for a resensitization of my heart. I'm praying for the arsenic effect.
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